Golf course project concept

The court should arouse the expectations and optimism of players of all abilities; it should test their perceptual abilities, judgment, decision-making skills, strokes and emotional composure; it shouldn't be difficult for the sake of being challenging; rather, it should be fun and engaging.

The project has made the most of the existing constraints in the area, such as rivers, ditches, isolated trees, woodland, pine forest, wetlands and landscape relief. The aim is to create a course that is rich in attractive views, both from the course itself and from the outside.

The project offers a wide choice of wide play corridors and comfortable play areas, but some holes are limited in access depending on topography, terrain and strategy. The course provides the best possible opportunity for the player to see the result of a good play; to watch the ball fly over an obstacle, to see the ball take a favourable trajectory after the first shot, or to see the ball hit close to the flag with a rolling shot. The topography is used to its fullest extent, which means that the holes are placed in a wide variety of positions among the various terrain elements.

The course has many dynamic pits, which allow a wide variety of scoring opportunities. As a key feature of the course, there is a wide range of short and long 4- and 5-stroke holes.

Johan Benestam, architect of the Vilke Golf Course. Stockholm, Sweden, August 2008